Showing 1–12 of 13 result

G 系列顶级光增强包:最大限度地发挥您的生长潜力

G 系列顶灯增强包 使用我们的增强组件来增强 G 系列顶灯的功能,这些组件可为植物提供重要的红外和紫外光谱。这些附加组件每包两件,可与现有装置无缝集成,促进植物加速生长并增强开花效果。不仅是理想的升级产品,也可单独使用(注:单独订购需支付 $100 运费附加费)。使用 G 系列顶部光源增强包,毫不费力地提高您的园艺效率和植物抗逆性。现在就释放您花园的全部潜能!

G1000 - LED 种植灯

$1,168.00 - $1,460.00
Introducing the G1000 LED Grow Light – a game changer for indoor horticulture. Designed for the professional grower, this LED light offers the ultimate full spectrum solution for your indoor garden. With a coverage area of 5*5 feet, this light is perfect for even the largest grow spaces.  

G630 – Led Grow Light

The G630 offers a total full spectrum solution. Powered at 630W, using 0-10V/PWM Timer and dimming function to effectively control PPFD this can be mounted as close as 15cm at full power. It is Ultra Thin and foldable allowing easy transportation & installation.  

G720 – Led Grow Light

Introducing the state-of-the-art Green Leopard G720 LED Grow Light! This is the perfect solution for any grower looking to achieve top-notch results. With a powerful and efficient design, this light is equipped with an impressive PPF of 1900umol/s and an unparalleled efficacy of 2.65umol/s/w. Its advanced optical design ensures that the light is evenly distributed, providing perfect coverage for your plants.  

绿豹© 华盖下长椅灯

介绍 Green Leopard© 天棚下工作台灯:商业和家庭种植者光束海的理想替代品。这款创新型灯具将全光谱+紫外线+红外线与高效的功率设置相结合,可确保植物的最大生长量和产量。非常适合那些寻求快速投资回报率的人,一次收获就有可能收回成本。使用 Green Leopard© 提高您的种植水平。立即购买!附带驱动器和 4 个工作台,现提供远红灯,以促进最佳开花效果


Introducing the GreenLeopard P320 Full Spectrum LED Quantum Board, a true game-changer in the world of indoor growing. We take immense pride in offering an unbeatable combination of quality and value, providing you with a product that's unrivaled in the market at less than a buck a watt. At only 350 USD, delivered worldwide, this clean and simple quantum board stands out as the perfect entry-level light for indoor growers. Don't be deceived by its affordable price; it packs an impressive 320 watts of power, delivering a full spectrum of light that ensures your plants receive the best conditions for optimal growth. Our commitment to quality is unwavering, and the GreenLeopard P320 is no exception. We've poured the same level of care and attention to detail into this light as we do with our larger, high-end models. This means you can expect exceptional performance and durability that will last through countless growing cycles. One of the standout features of the GreenLeopard P320 is its impressive thermal management. Equipped with top-notch components and a superior driver, this light runs at lower temperatures compared to its competition. This not only ensures the safety of your plants but also extends the longevity of the light itself. Versatility is another key advantage of the GreenLeopard P320. It excels in both flowering and vegging stages, making it a reliable and flexible addition to any grow room. Whether you're a seasoned grower or just starting, this light will be your trusted companion on your indoor growing journey. Don't miss the chance to witness your plants thrive like never before. Experience the undeniable quality and unbeatable value of the GreenLeopard P320 Full Spectrum LED Quantum Board. Your plants deserve the best, and we're here to make it possible. Elevate your indoor growing game today!

SideLite Essentials:绿豹实用侧灯


绿色豹纹 SideLite Essentials:产品概览

Green Leopard 推出 SideLite Essentials,这是一款专为室内园艺设计的 LED 照明套件。该解决方案通过使用全光谱 LED 灯条,重点提供有针对性的侧面照明,以促进植物生长和开花。 SideLite Essentials 的功能:
  • 全光谱 LED 照明: 该套件由四个 LED 灯条组成,总输出功率为 130 瓦。这种照明设备可提供支持植物各个生长阶段的光谱,模拟自然阳光的综合范围。
  • 设计用于侧面照明: SideLite Essentials 专为改善植物两侧的光照分布而设计,可促进植物均匀生长,有助于整个植物的均衡发展。
  • 建筑: 包括 1 米长的铝合金支脚,用于稳定和调节 LED 灯条的位置,确保光线能照射到植物生长的预期区域。
  • 能源考虑因素: 该套件在设计时考虑到了能源效率,采用了电源管理系统,可在保持有效照明的同时优化用电。


Get your hands on our High quality embroidered SnapBack cap, one size fits all. Rep the Green Leopard today! Available in white or black


$115.00 - $135.00
Green Leopard 推出的 Forever Trellis 是一种革命性的植物支撑系统,旨在提升您的园艺体验。这款创新型花架由四根高度耐用的 4 英尺铝杆制成,可以让您毫不费力地浮动可调节的顶网结构。顶网以夹式弹力绳网格为特色,形成完美的 6 英寸(15 厘米)方格,为植物提供无与伦比的支撑。与传统的花架系统不同,永恒花架不仅使用方便,而且环保,因为它可以无限期使用。告别凹凸不平、像蜘蛛网一样的延伸--选择永恒花架,获得最佳的植物养护和支撑效果。现在购买,仅需 $115,即可享受全球送货服务。我们提供可选的额外弹力绳套,还提供带有 3 英寸方格的专用 Scrog 版,以方便您的使用。

The Green Leopard Grow Tent

$265.00 - $420.00
Introducing the new Green Leopard Grow Tent! Green Leopard Grow Tent - the pinnacle of precision indoor gardening! Our tent is designed with cutting-edge features, including a 100% Ballistic Nylon Oxford Fabric that guarantees exceptional durability and resistance to wear and tear. Reinforced with a no-snag zipper, accessing your plants has never been easier. The luxury White interior finish enhances light reflection, ensuring optimal growth conditions for your beloved greens. And that's not all - our innovative design includes a see-through peep-in window, allowing you to monitor your plants' progress without disturbing their environment. Experience the perfect harmony of functionality and convenience with the Green Leopard Grow Tent. Love Your Grow with Green Leopard! As indoor growers ourselves, we understand your passion for cultivating the best produce and flowers. That's why we've poured our expertise into creating a tent that caters to growers of all levels. With the Green Leopard Grow Tent, you'll have the confidence to nurture your plants and witness them flourish under the most favorable conditions. Our dense and durable material, reinforced zipper, and spillage interior floor provide the utmost protection for your grow, so you can focus on achieving outstanding results. Elevate your indoor gardening game and experience unparalleled success with the Green Leopard Grow Tent - your gateway to a bountiful and rewarding harvest!


绿豹主控制器介绍:家庭种植的好朋友 使用绿豹主控制器,为您的家庭种植实现精确控制。无论您使用的是最新的设备还是值得信赖的旧型号,我们的主控制器都能提升您的家庭种植体验。
  1. 通用兼容性: 可与包括其他领先品牌在内的所有家庭种植设备无缝连接,提供适合您设置的多功能解决方案。
  2. 双通道精度: 轻松微调光照强度等,为您提供前所未有的生长环境控制。
  3. 直观的触摸屏 轻松监控种植环境,日出日落设置更方便您模仿自然光周期。
  4. 可定制的配置文件: 根据植物在每个阶段的需求调整条件,包括设置精确的 PPFD(光合光通量密度)水平,以实现更精细的优化种植。
  5. 负担得起的卓越: Green Leopard 主控制器的价格比其他领先品牌低 $50,但功能更多,性能更强,为您带来无与伦比的投资价值。
  6. 经久耐用: 结构经久耐用,即使在频繁使用的情况下也能确保多年的可靠性能。
  7. 节能: 降低运营成本,同时不影响家庭种植的质量。
  8. 固件更新: 了解最新进展,确保您的主控制器始终处于家庭种植技术的最前沿。
  9. 流线型设计 主控制器的设计时尚小巧,可完美融入您的种植空间,实现外形和功能的最优化。
Green Leopard 主控制器让您的家庭种植更上一层楼 - 集精确、简便和卓越于一身,而且价格实惠,比其他领先品牌低 $50。现在就升级,让您的家庭种植以无与伦比的功能和价值茁壮成长。


### 绿豹™双包装:利用先进的超声波技术彻底改变家庭和花园(美国、欧盟、瑞士) 向您介绍我们第一款将尖端技术集成到您的花园和生活空间中的家用产品--Green Leopard™ Duo Pack。这款革命性的套装结合了生长刺激器和植物卫士,为促进植物生长和防止虫害提供了天然、可持续的解决方案。无论是狂热的园艺家还是家庭爱好者,这都是改善室内外环境的必备品。 ### 早期成功,应用广泛 Green Leopard™ Duo Pack 获得了广泛的成功。园丁、家庭种植者、餐馆和屠夫都报告了显著的效果。生长刺激器中的创新频率设置因其对植物健康的全面益处而备受瞩目。 ### 产品亮点 - 生长刺激器**:利用超声波频率技术促进植物旺盛生长,针对不同生长阶段进行了优化。为达到最佳效果,请使用定时器:开启数小时,然后关闭。 - 植物保护器**:提供不含化学物质的强效防虫保护,确保健康丰收。 - **可听频率音**:铃铛会发出特定频率的音调,为齿轮设置提供声音反馈。 ### 主要功能 - 不含化学物质**:安全环保的花园护理技术。 - **预设**:针对不同植物生长阶段和保护需求量身定制的频率。 - **双效**:结合生长刺激器和植物卫士,实现全面的植物护理。 - 用户友好**:简单的即插即用设计,易于选择设置。 ### 专用设备设置 - **生长刺激器**: - 档位 1:用于幼苗(绿光,柔和的铃声)。 - 档位 2:用于无性和结果阶段(蓝光,温和的铃声)。 - 齿轮 3:适用于所有阶段的多种频率(红光,柔和的铃声)。 - 植物卫士**: - 档位 1:生长初期的害虫威慑(绿光,柔和的铃声)。 - 第 2 档:生长高峰期保护(蓝光,温和的铃声)。 - 第 3 档:全阶段保护,包括腌制和储存(红光,无铃声)。 ### 使用绿豹™提升家庭和花园的档次 **材料**:ABS **产品尺寸**:9.5*6 厘米 **产品重量**:63g **电源**:交流 100-240 伏 **输入功率**:<4w **可用性**:美国/欧盟(可使用适配器) Green Leopard™ Duo Pack 将先进的超声波技术带入您的日常生活,让您发现家庭和花园护理的未来。